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PZC Minutes 04-30-13
MEMBERS PRESENT: Patrick Kennedy, Bart Pacekonis, Viney Wilson, Billy Carroll
ALTERNATES PRESENT: Stephanie Dexter, Will Butter
STAFF PRESENT: Michele Lipe, Town Planner; Lauren Zarambo, Recording Secretary


CALL TO ORDER:  Chairman Kennedy called the Regular Meeting to order 7:30 p.m.


Gary Pitcock, 87 Long Hill Road, stated many people read the reports from the Commission and have found them to be the best in a long time and thanked the Commission for its hard work. He commented on the draft minutes from 4/3/13 concerning hiring of local workers stating if federal or state level funding is used there can be no geographic discrimination against hiring others from other places and suggested using the wording ‘to encourage local hiring’ in the POCD.  Mr. Pitcock then brought up the issue of mature trees on Main Street located on private property and on town right of ways and gave a document to the Town Planner concerning designating scenic roads at the state level. On the designation of Main Street as a historic district, Mr. Pitcock encouraged the Commission to look at the town’s historic structures throughout the town and not to be limited solely to Main Street but rather to weave a fabric of historic structures throughout the town. He noted that the Ebeneezer Grant house is listed on the Character Resources Plan in both national and state historic districts but is also in the Historic District and has local protection. He asked the Commission for their continued support for the Historic District Commission of which he is a member.

NEW BUSINESS: Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following:

  • Plan of Conservation and Development – meeting with Planimetrics consultant Heidi Samokar:
  • Review of the draft POCD Implementation Plan document
  • Final review of edits made to the draft POCD and setting of public hearing date
Heidi Samokar described the Implementation Guide as formally being part of the POCD but is now a separate document which addresses the priority of tasks, who is involved and whether strategies are long, medium or short term, all of which can change on a year to year basis. The Implementation Guide’s Implementation Tables list 21 Entities and Partners which will have some roll in implementing the Plan’s strategies. Lead Entities will initiate tasks to ‘get the ball rolling’.

There are two ways to implement a strategy: a policy to abide by, meaning it is an ongoing task rather than something to start or stop, and a distinct task which can be completed and taken off the list. Ms Samokar asked the Commission to rate the distinct tasks marked with a star in the Implementation Guide (Exhibit A: Implementation Element, April 30 Draft for Commission Review). She asked that the timing of the tasks be rated to have long, medium or short priority. Consensus was as follows:

Page 4: A1 Long; A2 Medium; B2: B2 was divided into two sections ‘Annual Events’ Ongoing and ‘New Events’ Medium; B3 Short; B4 Medium
Page 5: B5 Short; B6 Short; B7 Medium; C5 Short; C6 Medium; C7 Short; C8 Short
Page 6: D2 Medium; D3 Medium; E2 Short; E3 Short; E4 Medium
Page 7: F1 Short
Page 8: A3 Short; A4 Long; B1 Short; B2 Medium; B3 Short; B4 Medium
Page 9: B5 Ongoing; B6 Short; B7 Medium; C3 Medium; C6 Long; C8 Short
Page 10: A1 Short
Page 11: C1 Short; C2 Medium; C3 Short; C4 Medium; D1 Short; D4 Short
Page 12: A1 Short; A2 Short; A3 Ongoing; A4 Short; B1 Medium; B2 Ongoing
Page 13: C1 Short; C2 Short; C3 Short; D1 Short; D4 Short; D5 Ongoing; D6 Medium
Page 15: B2 Medium
Page 16: C1 Ongoing; C5 Medium; D1 Short; D2 Medium;
Page 17: A1 Short; A3 Short; A4 Short; A5 Short; A6 Medium; Consensus to strike B1 and B2
Page 18: B3, B5, B6 and B7 Short; C4 Medium
Page19: D1 Short; D2 medium; D3 Medium
Page 20: B1 Medium; B2 Long; C1 Medium; C2 Long
Page 21: D2 Short; D3 Medium; D4 Ongoing; D5 Ongoing; D6 Long; D7 Medium; D8 Ongoing
Page 22: E1 Medium; E3 Medium; E4 Medium; E6 Ongoing (Chamber of Commerce)
Page 23: A4 Ongoing; A5 Ongoing; B3 Short.
Page 24: E1 and E2 Ongoing
Page 25: A1 Long; B1, B2 and B3 Remove stars; B4 medium
Page 26: D2 Medium; D2(2)(typo, change to D3 and adjust numbering) Short
Page 27: E2 Short; F1 Short; F2 Medium; F3 Short; F5 Medium
Page 28: A1 Short
Page 30: D1 Short; D2 Long; D3 Ongoing

Ms Samokar asked if the Commissioners had any further changes on the Implementation Plan or on the updated yellow line copy of the Draft Plan which the Commissioners had previously received. She noted the public comment received earlier in the meeting concerning local hiring preferences is already addressed in the Draft Plan’s sidebar on page 48 titled ‘Economic Well-Being of South Windsor Residents’ where it is written ‘This Plan encourages local businesses and the Town to hire South Windsor residents, including for construction projects, where feasible.’

Vice Chairman Pacekonis noted on page 5 of the Plan, Chapter 2 - Conditions and Trends, the bullet ‘Jobs in South Windsor offer lower wages’ needs clarification as to what it means. Ms Samokar replied most of the jobs are in the retail and service sectors. Commissioner Butter suggested the statement should include ‘compared to other towns in CT’. The Vice Chair pointed out charts on page 13 (Figures 16 and 17) which go into jobs and wages. Discussion followed with consensus to strike the comment. Additional typos were pointed out by Commissioner Butter and Planner Lipe who also requested a better web link and an increase in the point size for the introductory letter, the page prior and the Table of Contents. Vice Chairman Pacekonis noted the need for photos of the Hartford Medical Group medical center. Ms Samokar stated the missing photos will be filled in the next few weeks.

Ms Samokar suggested formally setting the public hearing date for July 16, 2013 and, if approved, July 23rd, for adoption of the Plan. The Town Planner distributed a document titled ‘Requirements Leading up to the Public Hearing’ to the Commissioners and stated the Final Draft for Adoption will be ready for distribution to all the Town Council, CRCOG, Town Commissions, Boards and Agencies by May 10th.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9 p.m. was made by Vice Chairman Pacekonis,
Seconded by Commissioner Carroll,
the motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lauren L Zarambo
Recording Secretary